Wait, wait, wait. First I have to tell you that there was no murder in my house(So sorry to disappoint you, go watch CSI). It was my cousin's blood that was found in my house. It was on Monday when I went for my Japanese lesson and My grandma went to China Town with my mum, leaving my grandpa and cousin at home. My grandpa was reading a book and my cousin, this silly boy, actually took a pen knife and tried to cut a staple(the bullets you put inside a stapler) into half. In the end, he nearly cut his finger into half and went to find grandpa with the bleeding hand. I think both of them had a big fright. Can't believe he's doing such silly things...
Have mood to post new things again!
9:04 PM
As you can see, I haven't been updating my blog for the past two weeks. This is mainly because the visit of my grandparents(and cousin too) from Taiwan and also not accumstomed to the new term. Today is the first day when I can relax and I decided to write something on the blog to make myself more occupied.(I dunno what nonsense I am writing here lol) Anyway, just ignore this.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I climbed Bukit Timah Hilllllll...
9:04 PM
I climbed Bukit Timah Hill today... Well, I think you should know it's the highest mountain, oops, I mean 'hill' ,actually, in Singapore. It's 100+ m high...
Although it's such a short 'hill', I'm still exhausted after climbing around the hill. We(Mum and I) didn't really climb to the summit as it is quite boring doing so. Instead, we climbed the small path around the hill and it's really fun(and tiring too)! We felt quite desperate when there was still such a far distance to destination(which is HOME)... haha!
There are many cute monkeys around the hill too.

Monday, June 9, 2008
I'm so depressed...
9:51 PM
Apart from the fact that I actually died in maplestory is already very sad. NOW THERE IS ANOTHER PROBLEM: My Handphone Bill!
Most people usually get scolded by their parents for talking too much on the handphone. However, it's a totally different story for me. I was actually asked to talk more on my handphone because there are 100 min free calling for me and I couldn't reach half of it! I'm really speechless... 這世上還有天理嗎??? 冏rz(It means frown, that Chinese character is actually pronounced as jong)
Maplestory is still quite fun!
8:10 PM
As I have mentioned in the previous post, I have to stay at home and study for this week. So how do I actually spend my free time? One simple option: I play back my computer games and spam cube(also trying to learn G perm)!
I logged on to my Maplestory Character today, One lv 91 hermit, one lv 80 ice mage, one lv 40+(can't really remember) spearman. It is really quite fun! There are a lot of new things for me to explore. New maps, new quests for me to do. I spend some time training on some new monsters. haha, such an enjoyable day!

This is the screenshot of my lv 80 mage.(just trying to make it look colourful.)
Updated at 9.30(Somewhere there):
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I just died at parking lot. Haiz I was too shocked to take a screenshot so you guys can't see how pitiful I was when I was floating beside my tomb... WTH, WTF, WTB(It means what the 'bong', I don't really know what bong means, Zin Wai taught me that)!
Half of the holiday has passed...
8:07 PM
This is the third week of holiday, which means half of the holiday has passed...
I have to start to study from this week onwards, so much homework to do and so many projects to do! WALAO!(This is just to complain about how short the holiday is, please ignore.)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Cube meeting in Suntec City!
11:36 PM
I went for my first so called cube meeting in Suntec City! Well, don't think it's a formal one in the exhibition hall or something, it's just a few( around 10) cubers sitting near the Toysrus in Suntec City Mall and spam cubes. It's pretty fun, I learnt quite some new things over there and I really enjoyed it. We went for dinner after that and my hands were really tired=.= After that, we went to Martin's house and play Audition and Highstreet 5. I don't know how to play both of them but they looked rather similar. Just the arrow buttons followed by a space bar and it doesn't look interesting to me at all! Stayed in his house for one hour+ and when I reached home, it's already 10pm+. Anyway, it's an enjoyable day for me.
What's more is that I BROKE MY PERSONAL BEST RECORD AND IT'S NOW 22.96S!!!!! XD

(A prove that I've done it, by the way the cube in the image is mine^^ I couldn't have broken my record without it~)
P.S:My goal is to beat Martin in personal best and average timing. XD
Korean action movie...
11:32 PM
haiz...... I'm in a bad mood. I just watched a Korean action movie, named 'tube' and it wasted me 2 hours because it is so lousy!(I really don't know how to put it, but it simply s*cks) It's such a shame that Korea can't even come out with a proper action movie... haiz, I shall not waste too much time giving comments for that Korean action movie, but I've learnt a lesson: If you wanna watch action movies, wach Hollywoods. For Korean shows, just watch Korean drama will do... (I'm really glad that I didn't watch it in a theatre.)

This is the movie I watched. The cover looks nice and the movie seems to be exciting.
知title知cover不知the content of movie.(LOL it sucks too...)
Friday, June 6, 2008
Small thing makes a big difference
2:23 PM
If you're free and feel bored just like me, let me share with you a longgggg story......
Once upon a time(To be precise, yesterday afternoon), I was on a 156 bus to HCI, my school, for self-practice on my instrument. On the bus, there were two little cute girls, one Chinese and one Malay of age between 7 to 9. Half-way, the Chinese girl started teaching the Malay girl a Chinese song(think it should be 小蜜蜂) and it was so interesting when a Chinese girl actually tried to correct the Malay girl's wrong pronunciation! After a while, the Malay girl was able to sing the song with the Chinese girl! It was quite amazing the speed kids learn things. What amazed me even more was that such little cute thing that happens at ordinary places can actually make others feel good and happy for the rest of the day!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
This is my new blog!
10:09 PM
MY NEW BLOG finally! I do have a Chinese blog last time, but since I'm now in Singapore, no one is reading it so I decided to create a English one! Will try to update it everyday...