As the title reads, I washed my horn today...
um...I would say it's a fun experience but also very disgusting as I in a public toilet(although very clean) for one hour bare-footed and what came out from this French Horn is unquestionably......How should I put it?......disasterous....
Anyway, for the good of those who are eating as they are reading my blog, I shall not reveal the 'stuff' I managed to dig out from my horn...
Now I am going to tell you how a horn is washed~(Although you might probably not do it in you life.)
Step 1:
Remove all the slides from the horn.

Step 2:
Put all the slides in a bucket of water(added with brass soap).

Step 3:
Wash them and clean the inside with a brush.

(Myth:What is that black thing? um...I decided to colour it black as it shows something that should not be shown to public...(Btw, the person in the picture has a nickname that deserves to end up in a toilet bowl nearby. I believe all members in the band know who he is...)
step 4:
fill the horn with water and pour it away. Then, wash it with a brush.(This part is the most unsightly part of the process so I decided not to take any picture of it. But I'll show you the brush.)

Step 5:
Dry everything and put everything back and it's done!

After washing the horn, I find that it is definitely worth the time doing the hard work as the tone colour of my horn becomes sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice!!!!!
Lots of thanks to Edwin, who taught me how to wash the horn, Tee Zhuo, who suddenly appeared in the toilet and helped us out and Jeremy, who provided me with the equipment to wash to horn!