(My first time having a chinese title in my blog~)
Yesterday Po Rui came to me and told me the vending machine in the canteen is selling papaya milk from Taiwan. I was very surprised and couldn't wait to try it. After LEP lessons we went to canteen. It's quite a small packet and cost only 70 cents. I quickly got one and tried it. When I took the first sip, it was really touching! It tastes exactly like those you can find in 7-11 in Taiwan! (and why is this supposed to be touching?!)
Now as you know our drink stall sells papaya milk too(that's really rare in singapore). After comparing both dirnks, I find that both have their goods and bads. The papaya milk from taiwan tastes nicer overall as it has deeper papaya taste, but the milk is not 'fresh' milk so it tastes a bit artificial(aiya my description sucks). The drink stall papaya milk has lighter papaya taste(mainly because it's less sweet) and the sweatness mainly comes from the syrup that is added, but it uses 'fresh' milk so it's healthier.
Last, 沒圖沒真相,請看:
Papaya milk in the vending machine.

Papaya milk... on the canateen table?!

p.s When I went to the canteen in the afternoon, I realised it's been SOLD OUT!!! I hope they will restock it tmr.(lol I'm addicted to it already.)
Getting sick at the wrong time...
6:42 PM
Haiz I'm really unlucky.
For my one plus years in HCI, I always get sick at the wrong time(important times especially)...
I got sick the day before sec 1 EOY exam started!
I got sick the day before SYF!
I get sick now when swine flu' is spreading/term tests start!
What the $T^#%#$%#$%#$%#$%!
Something extra: I think jie xuan won't believe I am really sick today. He would have thought I skipped the sectional pretending sick. Haiz even I didn't expect to get sick. I woke up with slight sore throat. I was well and energetic and even threw discus during pe lessons. Then during chinese drama lesson I started to have running nose. During lit lesson(in com lab) I started to have blocked nose. During Math lesson I needed tissue paper to blow my nose. During History lesson I could hardly concentrate... and during English test later on, my nose was really killing me!(lucky it's just writing. If it's a math test I would have failed) After the test I felt extremely tired and uncomfortable(I mean my nose), so I went home.
On the bus home then did I see jie xuan's sms: sectionals at 4 today. reply to acknowledge. Anyway I was really very ill so didn't go back to school...(If I wasn't sick jie xuan would really screw me up side down/inside out...)
p.s Before I started doing homework at home, I wrote a 'sacarstic note' on my facebook^^ Pls go and take a look~
Saturday, April 25, 2009
CIP Activity: Bringing the elderly to terminal 3, Changi Airport
6:20 PM
(All photos taken by me, click to enlarge)
Today I went for a CIP activity and our class brought 20+ elderly to terminal 3, changi airport. I personally haven't really been there before so it's a new experience for me also. I shall tell the story with pictures this time~

First view of the airport. Clean and neat.

Elderly entering the airport.

Elderly coming down the escalator.

Elderly sketching random stuff in the airport.

Kane helping the uncle to sketch.

Mass photo 1: aerial photograph from second floor.

Mass photo 2: um...as you can see, it's a photo.

Just for entertainment...

Auntie smiling at the camera.

Mass photo 3: elderly in the jungle.

Elderly looking at the aeroplanes.

um... on behalf of 2o1, I would like to apologise to Hwa Chong Institution cos we did 繞口令, sang 朋友,細水長流 and even 華中行 in the airport! This was what I heard from the students in the macdonald behind me: "*laughter* WAIT- Are those ppl from Hwa Chong??? OMG!" but the elderly enjoyed it i think, so it's worth it~(btw I'm the photographer so yep...^^)

Elderly bought curry puff for us! How kind of them~

Arturo eating.

Arturo chewing.

Ming Ren(Some mysterious kung fu skill) and Koh Siong(kung fu panda skill) saying goodbye to each other.
Overall, quite enjoyable. It's really nice to see the smiles on their faces!
p.s YES I've finally finished this post! It's really agonising uploading these pictures cos my camera resolution is 10m+ and each picture took like 3 minutes to upload...
Friday, April 24, 2009
What a sick title...
9:04 PM
LOL x 99999 @ the title!!!(Am I very random?)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday Blue!
4:57 PM
I first came out with this phrase this morning in the band room. (You can ask Jeremy for details. *hint* It has something to do with the colour of seomthing he is wearing.)
I guess cos I came out with this phrase, I had a really bad day today. Many things suddenly all came together today and make me very stressed/emo.
School work:
- Got 27/40 for math test.(NOOOOOOOOOO!!!)
- Had a Chinese common test after school.(very time wasting)
- Had history mock test(just got traumatised by my math result and I had to write an essay the next lesson, how cruel!)
- Have to study for jap test tmr(I will really fail if I don't)
Extra stuff(which means it's very extra but I still have to do it.):
- Chinese Drama script(Why I am chosen as the leader?!)
- Brainstorm for amazing machines(my fault, have been dragging it for days)
I shall try to be more optimistic since there will be another math test in this term and I can still get an A1 for this term...
Though ming ren got A1 for math test(haiz and I got a B3), I still pity him as he lost his pencil case and science practical file... Wish he can find it soon.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The dilemma
9:41 PM
Please bear with long post cos I have too many things to say~
So which one should we choose?
After SYF I have been pondering over this question. Shall we do outdoors or indoors nex year? There is a international concert competition(which will be held overseas) and SYF for marching bands.
I believe it is quite hard to choose between these two competitions for many HCI band members. Outdoor can help to build team spirit and it is a brand new experience for the sec 2s/1s. However, since we have gotten our desired GWH, shouldn't we continue to work hard and sustain the standard as a GWH band?
I was hoping for outdoors at first, but after SYF, I started to change my mind. I was afraid that our standard as a concert band will drop after practising ourdoor for one year. For this reason, I decided to choose the latter. The sec 3s had a meeting over this issue today(I suppose) and they have also come out with the decision that our band will be going for indoors next year. I heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing the news.
I felt kind of guilty after having the thought of relief after knowing we don't need to do outdoors. I admit outdoors are really not my style. Many might say I am being selfish as it is our band's tradition to go for SYF for marching bands. And don't forget our band's name:HCIMB. M stands for milltary. So does giving up outdoors show that we have officially changed the style of the band after 30/40 years of tradition?(forgot how long it is...)
The answer is NO. The band does not lose the spirit of being a millitary band. We still exercise the discipline a millitary band should have. We still do outdoors every morning for flag raising! It is evident that we are still a millitary band after all. We shall continue to practise the discipline and the style of a millitary band.
But, since the juniors who will be leading the band next time(the sec 1 batch now) will not have experienced outdoor training and by the time it's their turn to lead, they might not lead their juniors as well as the seniors had as it will be their first time(if there is still outdoor SYF 3 years later). I am really afraid that the trend will just be broken and it can't be recovered.
Haiz I feel like a crazy guy after trying to come out with a statement and disagree with it after that, but that's really what's in my mind now...
Hence, there is only one word which best describes this situation:
Monday, April 20, 2009
A perfect miss~
5:33 PM
If you haven't read the post before, pls read that post first so that this post will make sense to you.
I left out something just now. It's so magical that I must share with you...
Before I left my house to buy my earphone, my mum and sis were on the way back from the hospital( for details pls refer to the previous post). I suddenlly had a bad feeling that I would bump into them when I left the house(it's not really bad actually, but nvm). So I decided to go out quickly. I closed the window and saw a taxi stopping below. My first thought was: Oh sh@t, here they come!(I dunno why I was panic, but nvm). So I quickly got ready to leave.
However, moments before I left, I suddenly got a call from nature and had to answer it of course. So I quickly went to the toilet and by the time I left the house. I saw the lift at 21st floor, arrow pointing up(I live at 23rd floor). I quickly went to hide behind the staircase(I dunno why I should hide, but nvm). Just as I expected the lift stopped at 23rd floor and it's THEM!!!
So I walked down to 22nd floor and took the lift down. I seriously dunno why I hide from them, but this feeling of 'oh no I think i will bump into them later' somehow makes me panic and resulting in all the weird actions of me...
p.s I still find it very magical that I really bumped into them at the end...
Efficient shopper
5:23 PM
Just being bored and feeling like writing something random...
I find that I am really a very efficient person in terms of shopping. On Saturday I found that my earphone was spoiled and decided to buy a new one. So I first checked it online. After a quick search, I finally found that model that I like.
It's a Sony earphone so I decided to go to IMM cos it's 1.near 2.available. When I reached there I headed straight for the Sony shop. Had I been with my mum, we would stroll and look at other items before we reach the shop. Instead of doing that, I walked at a 'amazing' speed as I wanted to quickly go home after that. I could almost feel the other shoppers dissapearring from my sight as I chiong past them.
After a few minutes I finally reached the shop. I headed straight again to the earphone section. I chose the one that I have found on the internet and paid. Then again I chiong all the way back to the bus stop and went straight home.
The whole process took about half an hour and when I reached home my sis was amazed and asked, 'Did you really just go to IMM and come back?'
Last, my earphone:

p.s I'm kind of lazy to take photo so I just get it somewhere from the net...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Finally back...
6:49 PM
My mum and sis are finally back from hospital today!
When my sis reached home I was buying my earphone at IMM. When I reached home and knocked on the door. My sister was trying to shout: I can't open the door... Luckily I brought keys and open the door myself. Then I saw a figure lying on the sofa.
lol it was quite funny to see her lying there, looking weak and tired. When she stood up and walked, she was as slow as my grandfather(and trust me my grandfather is really quite slow). She couldn't really stand straight cos of her wound on the stomach...
haiz sad that when her school starts on monday, she definitely can't make it...
Special experience
6:32 PM
My sis just had her operation and couldn't move too much as it was very painful. My mum had to therefore stay with her at night in case she needed toilet/water.
Question: How about me?!
Of course I will be staying at home alone.(In case anyone asks me where my dad is, he's in Taiwan) This is my first time staying at home alone for the whole night(two nights indeed). I am not really too used to it as I am usually not the last one to sleep and there will still be movements after I sleep. but when I was alone, I really hear COMPLETE SILENCE when I lay on my bed. The silence was really creepy, as if time had stopped. Only the occasional shouting(I wonder why they were shouting too) of my neighbour could remind me that the world was still rotating. It was also quite enjoyable as my mind was at a very peaceful state under that kind of silence.
I also have to wake up in the morning myself. When I woke up the first morning, I really didn't know what I was supposed to do cos 1. Normally I don't do all the sai kang. 2.I was half awake. Then I tried to recall, so I remembered to brush my teeth, wash my face, turn on TV to news, turn on the fan, spread nutella on the toast, sit down and eat, get dressed, turn off the TV, turn off the fan, turn of the lights, open the door, lock the door. (oops did I forget to comb my hair?!)
It's kind of fun to do everything alone actually, but i think two days are enough~
Friday, April 17, 2009
6:34 PM
I've been staying at home the whole afternoon alone as my mum has to look after my sis in the hospital. I regretted so much for going home so early. Cos I seldom speak for the whole afternoon and it is really very boring...
I know understand why those senior citizens who stay alone will become very slow cos I feel my brain is slowing down just for not talking to anyone for one whole afternoon. I can't imagine if this goes on for a few more days...
Luckily I have some activities on Sat~
Thursday, April 16, 2009
acute appendicitis!
8:09 PM
My sister is down with acute appendicitis(aka 急性盲腸炎)!!!
She's now in hospital. According to my mum, it's not really severe but she has to stay in the hospital to wait for her operation.
She's been having stomachache since yesterday night. My mum examined her in the morning(she's a doctor btw, but no certificate in singapore). She was almost very sure that my sister has acute appendicitis so she took her straight to NUH. The NUH told her that she couldn't just bring her there as my sister has to been examined by a polyclinic that she has acute appendicitis before she can go to NUH.
So she took her all the way to polyclinic. After waiting and finally being examined, the doctor derived to the same conclusion as my mum: my sister is likely to have acute appendicitis(and three hours were wasted in that process...)
She took her to the emergency department and amazingly it cost $90 just to get in the queue.(pardon me if this is actually normal in Singapore cos in taiwan it's MUCH cheaper). She spent more money after taking X-ray, etc(which I can't name XD). And after all the check up they still conclude that THEY CAN'T BE SURE THAT SHE HAS ACUTE APPENDICITIS! So now she has to stay in the hospital(to put it in a scary way, she's hospitalised) My mum is bringing her some clothes and comic books for tonight.
My mum was complaining to me. She said if she's in taiwan they(the doctors) would have confirmed she has acute appendicitis and she will be having her operation ASAP. She was amazed by singapore medical system efficiency...
Anyway, let's just hope that she recovers soon(Her school is starting next monday and now she's down with acute appendicitis...)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
GWH announcement
2:35 PM
Since I'm waiting for my meal I shall post something that I left out just now.
Our result for SYF was finally announced to the school today. What a pity that it was very stuffy today and I could almost feel beads of sweat rolling down my back when standing in the field waiting for the result to be announced...(FYI, I'm standing in the field cos the band plays national anthem for the school every morning)
Finally Jia Sheng announced the result. He sounded quite nervous as his voice was slightly shaking. It was quite joyful to hear the GWH being announced again. We played anchors aweigh and left the field.
When I went back to my class I was glad that no one used GWH to niao/suan(eg. waaaaaa GWH soooooo zhai lor~) me as they've been doing that for a few days...
p.s If I post again this afternoon pls stop me cos I really have to start eating and get to my work after my meal.
tonnes of homework
2:21 PM
It's been many months since I last reached home this early(2pm+)
Of course I go home so early only for one reason: homework.
I plan to finish all this by today:
- English compre
- English wordlist(check dictionary and find the meaning)
- science worksheet
- chinese....... stuff
- math worksheet
- literature worksheet
- history worksheet
- revision for math test tmr
OMG let's hope I can finish all these by today. Going to have my meal now and CHIONG!
p.s very tempting for me to continue watching TV or surfing the internet(go to facebook, read friends' blog, etc.) but I am going to resist it.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Accidents on the bus...
6:56 PM
I've just reached home...
Actually I wasn't supposed to reach home so late today as my CCA(band) is having a break after SYF. However the sec 1s still have band practise and we have to still go for band to teach them how to play their instruments. It went on quite well, both sec 1s in my section have potential.
Anyway the main point of this post is about an 'accident' that happened on the bus. I boarded a 154 and finally got a seat after a few stops. I was sitting beside a HCJC girl. As usual there was traffic jam and I fell asleep uncontrollably. The bus kept jerking so my head was tilting to the sides and I had to try to balance it back. But then there was once the bus braked suddenly and I went off balance and my whole body just leaned on the HCJC girl beside me.
I wouldn't have woke up straight away if she hadn't reacted so much. I think she was shocked and she almost jumped when my body fell on her. I quickly got up and said sorry to her.
After that I dared not fall asleep again so but it was really hard. So I was in half conscious state when I pressed the bell. Instead of pressing the bell, my hand overshot and pressed the person's head in front of me. She turned and stared at me and I had to apologise for the second time on the bus...
And Sorry to two of you once again~
Sunday, April 12, 2009
4:53 PM
I've just added a playlist to my blog...
Decided to choose songs of Jay Chou cos it's more light-hearted~
I am trying to make this blog more colourful so I've been adding many things to this blog.
hope you'll like it!
p.s it's a really short post cos I really have to start doing my homework...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Photos of Joy
3:36 PM
These are the pictures when the result was announced. I think it expresses exactly our feelings when we heard we got GwH~
The first reaction:

The second reaction:

Jie Xuan stretching his neck like an ostrich:

Zheng Yu smiling big at the camera:

Jie Xuan's smile looking very wrong:

Jeremy looking excited on hearing Edwin saying he will treat the whole band to lunch:

(photos obtained from Band Fusion. More photos can be found at http://www.sgbandfusion.com/)
Despite getting the reward of our hard work, we should still not be overconfident. If we are too proud of ourselves and stop working hard, we will never improve and we won't do well for the next SYF. I actually feel kind of nervous after SYF cos I know we(the sec 2s) will be the ones supporting, running and leading the band two years later. We must really work hard to surpass the standards of our seniors now and continue to strive hard for another GwH two years later...
Random note~
11:50 AM
Just a random note...
I'm suprised I didn't get diarrhoea after eating so much half-cooked food yesterday~ :D
Back from BBQ
1:09 AM
I'm finally back from the BBQ organised by lian he zao bao tong xun yuan club...
In case you dunno what that is, it's actually a student chinese newspaper club that writes 逗号,星期五周报,etc.
The BBQ was organised by the batch the year before us so they were starting the fire at first while we stayed indoor playing truth or dare. It was suppoed to start at 6+ but at 7 they came and said they couldn't start the fire. So we went down to help. The fire was really very hard to start cos 1.the weather was humid 2.the charcoal has low quality. Eventually we got the fire started after seeking help from the group BBQing beside us(he's really a pro man).
I spent 80% of the time BBQing for the others cos most people were waiting for food. It's quite fun actually but it's really hot and tiring. I ate little food and drank two cans of coke to fill my stomach. There was probably not enough heat so the food took VERY long to be cooked. The whole thing ended at around 11pm... I was pretty afraid that there would be no more MRT but luckily I managed to catch the last few trains
haiz BBQ with friends is not really a beneficial activity cos you either feel guilty watching others suffer BBQing the food or you suffer BBQing the food...(It's only suffering when BBQing with friends cos if you BBQ with your relative the adults will do the job^^) Of course once you gain more experience you won't be suffering anymore but obviously I still have a long way to go~
p.s I wanted to take lots of photos and put it on the blog but I was BBQing the food from start all the way till the end so I didn't have a chance to touch my camera at all...XD
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Project's Day today!
12:21 PM
I'm currently sitting in the computer lab(which I'm not supposed to), after sneaking out from the Project's Day judging...
Anyway, my presentation is done so what's the point of staying there?! XD
Today is quite fun actually because all lessons are canceled for project's day. There is no stress too cos it's only the prelim and we are almost 100% sure we'll pass~
My group's presentation is on Creative Art... Not really a category I'm too good at(I suck at art actually^^). I didn't get to present as by the time it's my turn to present the time was up so we had to stop... Overall it went on quite well~
Hope we can pass the semi-finals too!
p.s Going to band room to finish my Japanese homework... now that SYF is finish I must quickly do all the homework that I owe the teachers(sorry orz orz)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Style of writing~
7:27 PM
I just realise something...
I went to read many of my friends blog and I realise their posts are all so short!
Unlike my essay way of writing(XD), they seem to be penning down their daily life and always have a topic when I post...
I must make my posts shorter next time, if not all those who visit my blog(YOU!) will have a hard time...
ok I should stop here in case I make this post too lengthy again~
SYF 2009: A Shiny GWH!
6:09 PM
After months of hard work and almost ignoring all my school work for a few weeks, our band(hciband) managed to achieve Gold With Honours!
It was my first time participating in the SYF... Fortunately I have participated in NBC last year(which I freaked out on the stage and couldn't play properly), I was not so nervous this time. I slept at 9+ the day before Thursday just as Mr Kiang told us to, but I still couldn't get enough sleep as I was fidgeting in my bed the whole night thinking about SYF tmr.(I blame the random sms that woke me up at 10+...)
I was very glad that I wasn't very nervous, which made me feel more confident, which made me feel less nervous(so it's a cycle you know). I played, just like how I played during rehearsal, of course with slight nervouseness. At first I thought we screwed up. Cos The clarinet parts of Overture 1 was really soft from where I was seating and I started to panic. Of course I still play my part well through the whole piece. Then we played the choice piece, machu picchu(I hope I've spelled it correctly...), it was nice through out and my lips were burning towards the end(especially when I tried to sustain the high F). A sudden feeling of emptiness almost striked me immediately after I finished the last note. I've just presented what we've been practising so hard over three months to the judges!!! SYF is officially finished for us...
We went out(with seniors telling us that we did fine), and reentered the concert hall. We watched one band played (and the conductor had such 'unique' style of conducting.) The judges then left the hall to discuss about the score and that was when I started to clench my fist to ease my nervousness. After a really longgggggg wait, the judges reappeared and I started praying. We were the third last band so I knew I would still have be tortured for a few more minutes. Many bands cheered when they heard their results(which I had not much interest to know as I only wanted to know HCI band's results). Finally I heard: 'Band 86, Hwa Chong High School band-'. I started chanting 'Gold with Honours', 'Gold with Honours'... and I heard 'Gold~'. Yes I know we can get a gold and I am expecting something else behind it!!! Please award us with GWH, please! 'with honours!'. Instantly, the whole band jumped with joy. We cheered loudly and many were shouting 'YES!' 'YES!'. It was so touching to see the whole band being on cloud nine with the GWH result and even the Teachers i/c hugging each other with joy( shows they put in a lot of effort also). We left the hall and continued cheering.
I was excited throughout the way back to school. My friends of String Orchestra congratulated me too. We took some photos in the band room and went to Mac for our victory lunch~
I am really touched by the band's hardwork and I feel this GWH is a motivation to push us even further. It's really the best thing in my life!
p.s: The best thing about SYF is that I get to skip school for one day and of course there won't be CCA training in the afternoon(it's a Friday)! XD and sorry for making this post so lengthy... I dunno how it became like that and I'm too lazy to shorten it so please bear with it~
Horn section from left to right: Jeremy, Lionel, Po En, Jie Xuan:

SYF participants+teachers i/c:

Victory lunch: