Now, guess why this post is significant.
Ok I don't think you'll know cos it's really too difficult(or too lame). It's significant because this is the first time I post two posts in a day!!!
Actually I'm posting again cos.... I feel like doing so? XD
Went to obr for individual this afternoon, just reached home ten minutes ago. the individual was quite efficient I think and I can play through mermaid now at tempo 120. It's really hard cos I'm playing first horn and all the notes are SKY HIGH! I had individual from 2.30 to 5+. Towards the end my lips were burning already, but still manage to finish mermaid notes and rhythm(It sounds quite nice) and John Williams...
Anyway, playing first horn is quite fun actually cos I can spam high notes/I can train on my high notes, but I'm just afraid I might not have the stamina to play through the whole concert...
(titleless) XD
11:34 AM
Slacking in IS lesson now muahaha~(cos I've finished my work)
Just trying out this 'titleless' title for fun cos I really can't think of any title...
Haven't been blogging for a few days, I was shocked that someone actually came up to me and asked why I haven't been updating my blog regularly, so touched that there are ppl reading my blog!
Ok, I shall start my post(<~very lame starting line)
Last week of the term, only one word to describe: BORING!!! During assembly on Tuesday I listened Malay culture for 80 minutes, agonising... Ok it's not really very boring but I think it's hard to stay awake after listening to the same topic over and over again for 80 minutes...
Then again on Wednesday history lesson I listened the topic communism for one whole period. Every presentation tells us the definition of communism, etc. Same, really hard to stay awake. Also, the ppt slides are as wordy as history essays. and the last group consists of blowey and popopopo, they are as monotonous as the history teacher himself...(I dunno whether they're presenting or they're trying to put the whole class to sleep. If it's the latter, they've definitely achieved their objectives~)
Band prac in the afternoon was far more interesting than the lessons, We had sectionals with the sec 1s junior, and just as expected they sounded like sec 1s, but I think they're going to be good horn players(might own me) next time cos they're improving pretty fast...
Today is much better, but have to endure double period chinese later, so SAD!!! Going for individual in the afternoon, apparently I'm OWNED by the mermaid notes and rhythm... Ten minutes more to end of IS(slacking) lesson, shall end here(cos I've got nothing else to say haha)
p.s to whoever(yong dick, bright hui, lililililililililililililililililili and pig bird egg sheep) who posted random shit on my blog just now(unauthorised!), nvm, nvm, nvm, I will forgive you, I will...
Monday, May 25, 2009
KS house
6:09 PM
Woohoo I went to KS's house today, just reached home twenty minutes ago...
We played billard(which I got owned completely), table-tennis and poker(big two). It's really fun and I think this week is the only week that I can relax a bit before my busy june holiday schedule(but I seem to be enjoying it, I must be crazy...)
Big two was really fun, but I shan't play too much, later I got addicted...
Then when we left KS house we(Andika and me) were trying to find our way to the MRT station. Apparently both of us are pretty bad at directions(especially me...) so we got lost in the end XD. Luckily after KS and his mother told us the way we eventually found the MRT station...Amazingly I don't feel panicked at all cos I was so sure that we would find our way~
This incident really shows that Singapore is a quite a systematic country. Of course we can find our way easily cos Singapore is really small, but I feel quite secured cos I know any bus will bring me to a nearby MRT station and I will definitely find my way home in the end. If someone drove me 100km away from my house in Taiwan and dumped me(and I happened end up in a countryside with no taxis and no phones, which is impossible actually), the only thing I could do is maybe find the nearest police post and ask the police to take me home... Ok pretty bad and unrealistic example but anyway, Singapore is a nice place to be if you are to get lost...XD
p.s perspired a lot when we're trying to find the MRT station, better go take a shower before dinner~
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Angels and Demons
7:01 PM
Went to watch Angels and Demons today. Quite okay and much better than Da Vinci Code(I mean the movie, the novels are both great) but same thing all over again, the movie can't feature all the details clearly and I think it might be slightly confusing for those who haven't read the books.
Before the movie they played a trailer of a horror movie. I think everyone was shocked to see that and the scenes are quite disturbing. Can hear some kids crying after the trailer. Haiz, horror movies suck. I was slightly late cos I went to toilet and when I came back that bloody trailer was being played... I think that movie was PG(ridiculously) and its trailer was therefore allowed to be shown. Anyway, very irritating.
Oops I went off topic again... The movie was quite nice but it might be a bit dull to some of you, or maybe just for me cos I love to watch action movies. XD I'm so excited cos there are four movies showing now and I want to watch three of them(the one left out is that irritating stupid sucky horror movie). I also look forward to Harry Potter(6)~ Woohoo, so nice~(<~typical movie lover...)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Zoo CIP(2)!
10:13 PM
Today went for zoo CIP again, or I shall call it conservation ambassador training...
CA training consists of two trainings and we will be assessed on our speaking skills and animal knowledge, etc, and if we pass the test, we will be going for 6 sessions of tour guiding the visitors to raise awareness about conservation. Sounds fun, doesn't it?(ok doesn't sound fun actually, but it's really fun~)
I really enjoyed it sooooo much! At first I thought it was just some random CIP activities but after joining I find that it's really a enjoyful and meaningful experience to me~
Yesterday night I downloaded the notes online and was shocked to see the notes have 30 pages and I'm supposed to memorise them for the assessment today. Luckily chionging notes at night is a very common thing for me so it's not that tough after all. XD
Today we went through briefing in the morning and then we were tested in the afternoon. It's mainly on our speaking and presentation skills, cos they don't expect us to be experts in animals for just two trainings. Well, I did ok actually, though my command of language(especially english) and speaking skills aren't very good. There are many adults who are much more mature than me and can speak really well(well, just as adults do haha).
I presented on kangaroos and after the event ended, I really learned lots of things on animals cos I listened to everyone's presentation as well. Also, it's completely different when you present to public instead of your classmates, so it's a brand new experience for me~
One more thing great about this event is that we can make lots of friends and everyone is quite friendly to me, mainly because they're all quite mature, unlike me... and I really feel like a kid there lol...
However, there are a group of boys from a sch which shall not be named(*ahem*
a very 'independent'
school) They seem to be playing a fool as compared to the others and I heard they all failed the test in the end. Haiz can't blame them actually cos if I went there with my classmates we/they would be playing a fool too, but when all your peers are so mature, you are forced to behave maturely.
Friday, May 22, 2009
longest post ever~
8:21 PM
Warning: This post will most likely be the longest post I've ever posted.
ok, many things have happened these two days. I feel that quite a number of them are quite interesting and it would be nice to share with everyone~
Yesterday I overshot on my bus by one stop. It's not because I've fallen asleep, but cos no one pressed the bell! 1/3 of the ppl on the bus alight on the stop in front of nanyang girls everyday and yet on that day no one pressed the bell and the bus drove straight pass the bus stop... I could hear a lot of 'oh shit's(including me) when they realised the bus didn't stop... LOL
During Math lesson Mr Toh was doing some 'demonstrations' on equalities and asked, "who's the tallest person in the class?" Straight away names like GX and ZX came to my mind. Then I heard the funniest name in my life. The class suddenly started shouting 'Kane! Kane'... For those not in 2o1 Kane is 140+(or is it 150+) and is not the tallest but at the other extreme end. The even funnier thing is that Mr Toh actually chose him as example. I feel so sorry for Kane~
During Jap lesson in the afternoon I presented my oral assignment finally... Haiz, I rehearsed for so long and did ok(no bad lah?) for it but I screwed up totally during Q & A cos I freaking don't understand what sensei is talking about. LOL
Today morning the stupid bus came either too early or too late today. The timing has been VERY inconsistant this year and I kept missing the bus man~ Today the same thing happened, and I had to go to another bus stop to take another bus so as to make it on time. but in the end I'm still late cos of traffic jam... Haiz JX said it's last time I can use the bus as a reason for being late, but the fact is i can't help it too... SAD
Ok, by now you should have realised that my post is quite sucky(ok it really sucks) cos I'm not exactly in the very right mood to post. During band prac today I realised my tuner's green light doesn't flash anymore. It's obvious it spoileed during the period I lnt my tuner to JC ppl. Now let me tell you why it is so important. Green light flashes when you're in tune and without it you don't feel very good when your note is in tune as you don't see the green light flash(ok it's really lame XD). Another reason is that in dimmer environment you can't see the needle and have to rely on the lights to see whether you're in tune, so it's very inconvenient now that it's spoilt... I don't care, when I pass the tuner to them it was in PERFECT condition, not even a scractch(bought it for less than a month), and now it came back with scratches(i don't mind actually, things always get scratched) and with slight malfunction. I feel that it's really unfair to me, so i'm most probably going to make them pay for the tuner and I give this tuner to him, then I can use the money to buy a new tuner.phew, once again, sorry for the long post...(it's a complaint actually haha)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
1:07 PM
I'm home so early today!!!
CSM is really quite boring, but we get to go home early don't we? so it's worth enduring~
Today we(band ppl) just walked on Kah Kee Drive from high school side to JC side. to and fro, to and fro, to and fro...
Actually we were supposed to try to get phone numbers of NY girls while walking around but in the end no one did it except Qi Fan and Elliot(come on, even if a stranger tries to get my handphone number, I will refuse, so it's like mission possible...) Qi fan and Elliot went to two NY girls i think, and I thought they were going to make it, but as one girl started chatting with them, her friend pulled her away... 残念だ...
Then I went to band room to look for my tuner again, and finally found my tuner. Apparently Jason put the tuner in the wrong cabinet. There are lots of scratches on my tuner, showing that it's been mistreated(dropped on the floor, etc), but it's still functioning perfectly. Haiz, poor thing.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
10:33 PM
I'm supposed to get back my tuner today, which I lent Jason few weeks ago for JC SYF...
He said he put it in the horn cupboard but I couldn't find it during band prac today. SAD.
I hope it is not lost, maybe it's just my eyes(wear the wrong specs maybe?) or Jason put it in the wrong cupboard...
Anyway, going to SALT centre tmr to try to find my tuner~
Monday, May 18, 2009
Post-test QUIZ TIME!
5:36 PM
I've come up with a random idea today...
I will put down all my marks for my tests on the left and the subjects on the right, then YOU shall try to
match the marks to the respective subjects!(ME=RANDOM!XD)
For those from 2o1 it shouldn't be too hard for you since you should roughly know what marks I get~
Enjoy the quiz~(sry no prize for the quiz due to financial difficulties XD)
A. 39/40(ALMOST...)
aaaaaaaiaaiaaa1. English
B. 37.5/40
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaai2. Chinese
C. 45/50
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaa3. Math
D. 68/80
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaa4. Chemistry
E. 19/25
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaiaaa5. Geography
F. 14/20(so sad!)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaa6. History
G. 19.5/30(really sad!)
aaaaaaaaaaaa7. Literature
H. 19/30(extremely sad!)
aaaaaaaaaai8. IS
Answers below:
A-3B-4C-8D-2E-7F-6G-5H-1Results not as good as last term... I didn't do too well for my English cos I was sick on that day and made LOTS of silly mistakes(so silly that it's funny, such as writing roll-playing instead of role-playing. LOL) I screwed up geography completely for some unknown reasons...nvm, I'm still satisfied with the results, will work harder next term(full time mugger)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Let's PLURK!
5:35 PM
I just started using plurk after seeing Madeline's blog...
Just look at my sidebar(below the shoutbox) and you'll see how it works. It's really fun and useful especially when you don't have time to write a new post.(Having said that, I don't have time now and yet I'm still writing my blog XD) You can just post your feelings there~
So I'm here to promote plurk because I shockingly found that only two ppl in my msn contacts use plurk~ Do add me as friend when you create your own plurk account~(click
here to sign up~)
Somethign extra:
this first before you continue~

I just read that China has banned plurk in its whole region... find it very ridiculous, and some Chinese(as in ppl from China, not the race) are arguing that China is not under communism anymore... I STRONGLY DIAGREE AND HERE IS THE PROVE! And I really don't see why China has to ban this website... maybe someone insulted China using plurk before???
Last, just like the title of the report: Plurk wants to make peace, not war! Lift the Ban!
p.s shouldn't say too much, later my blog got banned too XD.
zoo CIP
1:40 PM
Sorry for the long posts(including last times'), cos I really had a long day...
I went to a zoo CIP yesterday. It was fun and I really enjoyed it.
The night before I was in delimma cos I have to choose one from the open house CIP from HCI or the zoo CIP from TXY. The zoo CIP is going to be very tiring so I wanted to go for the open house, but I was later told the zoo CIP is compulsory as I've already signed up for it so I had to tell JX I'm not going for open house.
Then, I went to read the criteria for attending the zoo CIP and found I was actually underage(age limit=15, I'll only be 15 after my bday in july) so I had to tell JX I'm going for open house again.
THEN, the person I/C of the zoo CIP told me they count the age limit by the year so I was officially 15 to them, and since I've signed up for it, it's still compulsory. And again I had to sms JX I'm not going for open house.
Actually I didn't want to go for the zoo CIP, I knew it would be fun but it's from 8am to 6pm(and I had to wake up at 6am to reach the zoo on time). The open house CIP is from 9am to 1pm(and I only have to wake up at 8) But I didn't have a choice so on I still attended the zoo CIP...
It was really fun, it wasn't really the actual CIP but just the training session. We still have to go to the zoo for at least 12 hours to guide the tourists during the holidays. We toured around the zoo and then we went 'behind the scenes', this includes touching the animals, etc.(which is really fun) During the CIP, I felt like I was a kid again, cos I bearly met the criteria for age limit and I was one of the few teenagers there. Most of them were either JC, poly or uni students. There were only a few secondary students and among them I was the youngest...
After the activity I went to SPH to help out, this is my first time working there after I got into TXY(I was really busy before that). We worked all the way till 8.30.
On my way home(MRT from Toa Payoh to Clementi), I met a few pai kias on the MRT. There are two 'parties'. One guy from a party was scolding another girl from the other parties. ok, not really scolding, he was just telling his friends about the other girl, which was meant to be heard. Then the girl was doing the same thing. AND I WAS STANDING BETWEEN THEM! I bet I haven't heard that much vulgarity since the start of the year and almost every sentence they said it contained at least one vulgarity.(most popular: KNN, CB) Actually I don't really care cos it has nothing to do with me, but ten minutes later I realise I was taking the wrong direction and I didn't realise it before cos I was listening to their arguement... haiz 自作孽不可活...
On the way back home(in the correct direction), I was thinking how come I haven't been hearing lots of vulgarities. Most probably cos hwa chong ppl don't really use vulgarities. ok, we might use it to curse sometimes(most commonly used: s***, f***) or say it when we are just joking with someone. But when we really want to insult someone and want him hurt seriously, we seldom use vulgarities cos it's not powerful enough.
When I reached home I was REALLY exhausted... Haven't worked so hard in my life before~
Friday, May 15, 2009
8:34 PM
Finally I think I will be free from now on...
All my tests finished(except Jap and english oral). Got back my Science paper today. The paper is not easy, it is extremely/super easy. For the first time I think I can really get FULL MARK if I don't have any careless mistakes. Of course it didn't turn out that way, I forgot to balance a chemical equation and made other random mistakes too. Got 37.5/40 in the end. Again I FAILED to top the class. It's really sad, YC got 39/40?! I'm not saying he didn't deserve getting such high mark, but it's sad that I couldn't get higher than him...(When have I become so kiasu???)
Also got back my lit paper today. There are only two explanations for me getting A1 for lit for 2 terms:
1. Gilbert is really nice to us.
2. Miracles can really happen twice.
I thank God for that. orz orz OTZ OTZ
On the bus home something interesting happened... An Ah Bei was watching the 7pm Korean Drama on Channel U(That's um... interesting.) using something like an MP4. He played the sound really 'soft'. Even with the loud music coming out from my in-ear earphone, sound of the engine, sound from tvmobile, I can still hear clearly the conversations going on in the drama... Haiz, very inconsiderate.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
All the same...
8:50 PM
I thought my busiest week for the term would be last week and I was totally wrong!
This week is just as busy, tests, random stuff(Chinese drama)...
Haiz I am actually not supposed to be writing my blog but I really have to take a break. Anyway all the work(tonnes of them) for today are not that urgent, and my tests are all finished except Japanese and ENGLISH oral... Damn irritating, end of term and still have lots of english assignments. But no choice, just finish them all and enjoy my june holiday(which is likely to be filled with events too)
Um, today was chaotic. It started pouring when I left my house and my umbrella served no function as I walked to bus stop. My lower body was totally drenched and my feet were soaked in water and my poor feet had to suffer the whole day. When I reached home, my feet smelled... um I'd better not describe it in case anyone of you are eating right now. Math test is quite all right, got back chinese paper, got A1 but failed to top. Stayed back till 7.30pm after japanese lesson, left my math file at the language centre but my friend(Brandon) brought it back for me...
Ok I should end here before this post gets too wordy(Is it already?) and I actually still have work to do...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Busy week
11:28 AM
My blog is almost dead this week, mainly because I haven't been posting anything...
haiz this week is realy a very busy one for me. Why must everything come together in just one week.
I have
- Five tests
- Band
- LEP 1000 word chinese essay(this is crazy)
- Chinese Drama Rehearsal(this is a waste of time but we must do it)
- English assignments(made me sleep at 12 T.T.)
- Revision for two tests next week(Science and Math, must get A1 so have to mug)
Finally this week is going to pass, but i'm still left with chinese essay, revision for two tests and chinese drama rehearsal! I just hope I can quickly finish them all...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Total randomnessssssss
11:08 PM
Just found this on my own blog :

發發發!Nice I like the number!(RANDOM!)
Interesting things yesterday...
4:30 PM
I'm finally free today!(not very free actually, have geog+chinese test tmr and have to write script for chinese drama, but nvm)
I'm now going to write about what happened yesterday. Three funny/omg/evil things happened yesterday...
Firstly, I forgot to put on my colar pins and school badge! One of my classmates pointed it out to me and I had to hide from all the teachers(TCW, SK2, etc). I was really lucky that I didn't get caught by any of the teachers except one, my English teacher. I went up to him and asked him some questions and he asked me in a stunned look,'What happened to your shirt???' He was in a good mood yesterday and let me off...phew~
Secondly, I screwed Modi upside down! We had lunch together and he went to buy drink half way. When he came back and started eating again. I scammed him by telling him I had done something to his food and he has already eaten it. Then he started asking me what I have done to his food. I kept saying thigns like 'No use telling you, it will just make you feel worried, just forget it' 'it's not too serious, trust me, at most you get stomachache.' 'Nothing, really, nothing!' All this made him feel even more troubled and the truth is I didn't do anything to his food. LOL he was still troubled during LEP lesson. I think he looked like he's going to kill me when I told him the truth today...
Thirdly, I met Mr Balan(the english teacher who caught me without my colar pins and school badge). He took bus 156 too and I couldn't sit down even if there were seats around cos I dared not go near him. I was really scared he would come and scold me. Luckily nothing has happened~
My post is quite sucky today cos i'm not really in the mood of writing on blogs, but nvm, have to write chinese drama script/revise geog/do english assignment now~
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Mother's day special
8:48 PM
I can't really post today cos I have a literature test tmr and I am running out of time~
Will post about the intersting things(trust me there is) today.
Now I just want to wish all mothers in the world a happy mother's day and share with you this video. It's simply brilliant(and very funny)! Happy Mother's day once again.
Ok I really gtg. Bye~
Monday, May 4, 2009
3:42 PM
Saw many changes in school today due to swine flu'...
First, when I entered the school and walked towards the band room, a teacher(forgot who he is) was asking, 'Are any of you feeling ill? Are any of you having fever?' I was like LOL! I suppose they call it 'visual checking'...
Then there were two temperature taking exercises during lessons. The BEST thing is: I forgot to bring my thermometor! Haiz so I had to go to general office to take temperature. Dunno whether I'll get demerit point, but i don't really care. Life is not perfect anyway so it's fine to get a demerit point every year XD.
I went to band room to play my instrument until 2.30. When we were leaving the school we found that the main gate was LOCKED?! So had to make a big turn from the side gate.
Haiz I found that it's a bit of over-reacting. The flu' haven't even entered singapore so what's the point of doing all these? The priority now should be keeping the virus out of Singapore. Of course I still support the idea of being careful. And all these troublesome things will get us ready when the virus enters Singapore... so got to bear with it~
I'm also very scared that the swine flu in hong kong will pass to Taiwan... So many flights flying to and fro, very hard to prevent.
p.s swine flu' spreading, tests still go on, so I still have to study~
Friday, May 1, 2009
11:18 AM
When I was about the revise my history just now, I realised I left my history file in school. And my history test in on Monday, third period...
Fortunately zhi xin lives near me and I can phpotocopy his notes to revise...
Tonight I'm gonna watch a 舞台劇(kinda forced by our LEP teacher, but I don't mind watching actually), hope it's nice~
Haizzz, all my tests are in next week so have to revise over the weekend...
Therefore, these three days=stay-at-home-to-mug-day.(I feel I'm really kiasu, we don't even have mid year exam and it's just term
ok, shouldn't waste more time, must revise other subjects first.
p.s million of thanks to zhi xin(and ming ren who told me where he lives) for being so nice to meet up with me and lend me his notes to photocopy~