Monday, June 22, 2009
Shortest post ever!!!
8:07 PM
This is probably the shortest post I've ever posted:
Will post more about it when I come back on Thursday...^^
Thursday, June 18, 2009
2:01 PM
Today I went to school for sectionals at 9. Woke up at eight, reached school just on time.
Only two ppl will be going, Jeremy and me. I was kinda shocked when I went to OBR and found that it was still locked. Jeremy is usually early when he goes for band prac. My first thought was:
he must have overslept. I don't have the code to open the door so I could only wait. I went upstairs and stared at the side gate/daydreamed. After half an hour(which I almost fell asleep twice), I went home.
I wasn't frustrated or angry actually cos
1. I realised I didn't come in full PE attire.(Jeremy said there'll be outdoors)2. I really grudged going to school for outdoors.(and at 9am in the morning, in Singapore somemore)Was relieved when I got onto the bus lol.
but many factors have actually made me decide to go home. Had I known the code to open the door, I would have had individuals first; Had Jeremy's phone not been confiscated by his mum, I could have contacted him.
At 11+ Jeremy talked to me on msn. lol just as i expected he really overslept.
Haiz, the only thing I lost was just the two hours of sleep(and maybe 90 cents to travel to school and come back), but I got more time to do work/slack now~
Here's Jeremy's blog:
(I know the url sounds irritating, but it's quite interesting to see an event from two different views.)
Friday, June 12, 2009
7:01 PM
Went to school for the whole day for band prac...
I shall keep my lines as short as possible cos I'm too tired to type too much(and you're probably too tired to read lengthy post too~)
Outdoor drills in the morning. Almost killed me. I almost 'fainted' at first cos I didn't drink water since I woke up and perspired a lot under the sun. Felt better after drinking all the water in my water bottle. haiz, everything was so tiring under the sun. Stand straight. Look proud. Lock your arms. Clench your fist. Push your chest out(It just sounds wrong to me). I bearly had energy to walk back to OBR. After resting in OBR with refreshing air-con, finally felt less tired. Went for lunch with my section, flute section and Qi Fan.
Afternoon indoor band prac was sooooooooooo enjoyable(as compared to the morning). 80% of the time we stayed in air-con room. Had individual/sectional. Quite slacking cos we were all tired. JX was even sleeping against the sound-absorbing cushion on the wall.(and Jeremy and I even took picture of him, but he woke up just on time to delete the photos) Too bad I can't put the pictures in my blog to make this post more fun to read.
Haiz, I'm supposed to use as few lines as possible to finish my post, but still end up with two wordy posts... apologies.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
4:43 PM
Warning: The title of the post does not have to be relevent to the post(Trust me, I won't write such a long post just talking about having sectionals!)Had sectional from 9am to 11am today. I was slightly late so didn't have time to warm up properly, I guess why I couldn't play properly at the start. Anyway, as you most probably should have known by now, what I talk about first in the post is usually not the main point...
After sectional, we went to Orchard Road(
<~see? that's the main point). lol you may wanna ask, what can four boys do in Orchard Road??? Obviously we can't shop... Actually I also didn't know why I went to Orchard Road but I simply didn't want to go home so early. So we went there and had lunch(KFC, haiz I am really disgusted with fast food...) We met clarinets section there too.
After lunch we realised we've already done everything we can do in Orchard Road(that is, to eat lunch~) So I suggested, 'Why don't we go to LAN and play CS?' Cos I've been playing CS everyday at home and I can headshot ppl quite well now. Everyone agreed so we decided to went to LAN together. But there's a problem: three ppl are in school-related attire(SY, Jeremy and I) SY was wearing band t-shirt so it's not very obvious, Jeremy was in PE but he had a jacket with him, I was also wearing PE and I didn't have anything else to wear! In the end, no choice, had to go to Giordano to buy a cheap shirt. I bought the shirt for $10, it's totally 'designless', but nvm, I was going to LAN, not a fashion party...
As I expected, I got the highest score playing CS, but it felt quite different from playing at home. It's noisy and rowdy and I couldn't concentrate very well. It's also much more fun than playing alone~ Also my performance was really inconsistant, if I got a gun that I am used to, I could be the one killing all the opposite team, if I got a random shitty gun, I was usually the first one to die...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Kuws & HciBand In Concert!!!
8:51 PM

If you're interested, please contact me to purchase the tickets~
It's a concert held by a GwH band and a professional Thai band!
Monday, June 8, 2009
First holiday band prac
6:39 PM
Today went to school for band prac for the first time since June holiday.
Band prac was really fun(I dunno why I enjoyed band prac so much, maybe I'm weird XD). I think Mr Leng was quite happy with our progress cos we did lots of individuals to get notes and rhythm and we showed quite a great improvement today~
However, I haven't played/touched my horn for one whole week so it felt very tiring to play high notes and my tone was a bit screwed up too. Guess it'll take a few days to recover to my normal standard...
Please don't be disheartened by the lengthy post and exit my blog. I am writing such a long post cos there is something for me to write about.Introduction to today's special event:
JX, aka Jie Xuan, horn section SL+Drum major(sec 4)
Jeremy, horn section ASL(sec 3)
Lionel, horn player(sec 3)
After band prac there was an... incident?(This is actually the main point of this post) When we were about the leave, I saw JX's bag in the shoeroom and smiled at Lionel, cos we used to screw JX bag for fun last time, but recently I stopped cos he'll get angry... Then Lionel said, "I must do something to his bag today..."(<~with an evil look on his face) The next moment I saw Jeremy hiding JX's shoe and both of them started running/fleeing. Instinctively I followed them and I was puzzled.
WHY ARE WE RUNNING AS IF THERE'S A DINOSAUR BEHIND US? After we reached OBR then I saw Lionel putting a black 'thing' down(<~ don't be misled, it doesn't belong to any part of JX)
haiz got to start another paragraph to make the post look less lengthy. Then I realised the black 'thing' was JX's bag! So that's what we've(ok I mean they) done so far. Hid his shoe. Took his bag and ran to OBR. Then JX called Jeremy and Lionel and started Threatening them(could see from their faces that JX was quite pissed off) Almost a few seconds later I heard someone/something stomping down the stairs, IT'S JX!!!(<~lol I make it sound like JX was some kind of monster)
JX first reached for Lionel, I didn't see the details cos I was planning my escape route. The only thing I know is that he was pinned onto the floor the next second and JX was trying to strangle him and forced him to tell where we hid his bag(it's in one of the cupboards). Lionel refused/was too shocked to say anything, then JX looked up at two of us. Jeremy hid behind me quickly(<~this bastard!) I was not really scared cos I was innocent actually. Then JX said, 'Po En, move away.' Apparently I wasn't his target so I moved away, feeling kinda relieved. And again JX charged towards Jeremy and pinned him down on the floor. This time Jeremy told JX where we put his bag and even retrieved it for him... JX left the room, or rather he stomped off the room and threw a chair high up in the air(actually from my point of view it looked quite beautiful and anti-climax cos the chair was turning in all angles as it flew and it landed on the floor peacefully with little noise as the chair is made of plastic and the floor is carpeted)
After the whole incident ended I was left in OBR quite awkwardly. Everyone had something to do. One got pissed off, two got beaten, and only I was stoning in the middle of the room.
Then even worse, JX came in again with the other majors, namely QF, HY and JS. Then they started saying we deserved it blah blah blah...(ok but it made sense, it's really 我們自找的)
Haiz poor Lionel and Jeremy, they must be very traumatised...
Moral of story: don't hide JX's bag again.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Restaurant City Craze!!!
12:21 AM
LOL my whole family is into restaurant city on facebook!!!(yes, including my mum~)
This is how we are 'running' our restaurants:
Me: Desktop(with firefox)
Mum: Desktop(with IE)
My sis: Laptop
lol, it's really quite fun, but it's my mum and my sis who are really crazy, playing restaurant city for the whole night, while I just let it run and go play CS/do homework...
haiz can't believe my mum actually signed up for an account just to play restaurant city... @@
gtg now cos my mum wants me to let her use the com so that she can continue playing her restaurant city...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
very special june hoiday
6:06 PM
Today I went to the subordinate courts as a student journalist. It's really a very special experience for me. I went to listen to many trials, where the lawyers, witness and the judges argued around. It's quite similar to debate, but it's at a really slow pace cos they need to cite all the facts clearly... Anyway, the place is quite creepy with ppl in suits walking around...(*ahem* I'm in polo shirt lol) And now I have to come out with a 500 word chinese article about what I've learned today... $#^#%^#%!
BTW, I am supposed to have a very free week this week SUPPOSEDLY and I dunno why my week was packed with activities... Here are my schedule for the first week of june holiday:
Monday: SPH-培訓營(8am to 7pm)
Tuesday: SPH-培訓營(9am to 7pm)
Wednesday: SPH(lol?)-discussion about zbComma(3pm to 5pm)
Thursday: Subordinate Courts-not that I got sued, it's a work attachment in the courts as student journalist...(10am to 5pm)
Friday: Science Centre-Science ACE opportunity!(2pm to i dunno)
Saturday: SPH(what?! again???)-compulsory #$%#%^#%(<~didn't hear what it is, but it's compulsory...)(2pm to wakarimasen)
Sunday: Jurong Point-Movie~(slack the whole day!)
It really feels so weird to me having to go out everyday for all kinds of activities... but it's more fun than staying at home the whole day like my previous june holidays. If you compare my schedule for this june holiday to the previous ones you'll probably find that they're quite different:
Let watch TV/use com be x...lolLet sleep to noon be y. ^^Monday: y, x to night, x to at least 12 am.
Tuesday: y, reject friend's invitation to bday party(cos too lazy to change/go out), x to at least 12 am.
Wednesday: y, pretend to be sick to skip cca, x to at least 12 am.
Thursday: y, x, x.
Friday: y, sleep, sleep...
You see the difference???
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Miserable Holiday(ok not really, just read on)
8:05 PM
hmm... Today is the third day of June, also the third day of June holiday.
On Monday and Tuesday I went to SPH early in the morning for 培訓營. The first day was really miserable. ok actually I shouldn't say this cos I know many ppl actually worked really hard to get the camp going on well. Yes, I learned quite a lot of things and the 講座 are really very useful to us. But there is just a 'slight' problem: THERE IS TOO MUCH! Just imagine sitting in an auditorium listening to lectures for 9 hours IN CHINESE(No difference for me, but I know to some of you it would be a even worse nightmare) with just a lunch break in between. At first it was quite interesting cos there were really quite a lot of learning points but after a while I lost focus and couldn't concentrate anymore(but the afternoon lectures were still great, just that I couldn't concentrate anymore)
And there goes my first day of June Holiday...
Second day was much better cos the lectures were so much more interesting and lively/funny, so I actually quite enjoyed the second day.
Same, I spent my whole day in SPH(with no regrets)
Today I WENT TO SPH AGAIN!!! One of the 編輯 from zbComma asked us to go to SPH today to discuss the contents about 逗號. Its duration was only one hour+ and we were all quite engaged in the conversation so it's quite fun. It's really enjoyable to publish articles on newspaper cos LOOK! EVERYONE CAN SEE YOUR ARTICLE!!! XD
And tomorrow(oh this blog is becoming my personal diary lol) I am going to the court for work attachment with one of the journalist! It's really a life-time experience for me!(and that's why i'm not going for sectional tmr XD, anyway I think I got most of the notes and rhythm already)
Hope I can have my own articles on zbComma soon~
p.s Addicted to counter strike these days...