Tuesday, September 22, 2009
9:53 PM
I pronounce this blog dead from now on and I'll revive it when exams are over. (Which means the first post will likely be on my future ipod touch XD)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Ambush crafted feeling guilty.
5:12 PM

Today's a very special day as for the first time in history, I am going to blog about games. And the game so honoured to be blogged by me today is non others but......
Finally, after some frustrating time spent in the pinnacle chamber catching hapless mice for ambush bps, I managed to successfully craft my ambush!
Haha those who play mousehunt and have crafted ambush might be able to understand the joy when you finally crafted this nice brilliant trap after painstakingly collecting the ingridients.(especially those who risked crafting it at gm and was successful)
However, I crafted my ambush with quite a bit of guilt... Just now when I alighted from my bus, I suddenly realised the RGPS girl sitting beside me had fallen asleep and did not alight. I know she probably lives somewhere near as I saw her at the bus stop in the morning everyday. I wanted to go and wake her but I was already at the door so I had not choice but to alight, or I would end of missing the stop as well.
On the way home I was kinda guilty and was thinking: Even if I failed to get any ambush bps(I didn't know I already got it then), I shall not complain as it was probably my retribution for not waking up that girl. Then I went on thinking: If I crafted ambush later and failed, I shall not complain as well because that's called
KARMA for not waking her up.
LOL and I started to curse myself(
If my com got spoiled today... If I drop my mouthpiece tmr...) all the way till I went home. Now I think of it, the stop where I alighted and where she's supposed to alight was only 2 stops away from the interchange so it should be fine. But still, I'm really sorry to whoever you are for not waking you up. orz orz(I really didn't see)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Converse All Star Sneakers
1:44 PM
Something I wish to add on, on Thursday I went to Jurong Point to buy a pair of Converse sneakers.
I already have one pair of sneakers(and I wore it to the Spanish Fantasia concert)

<~The bottom one but this pair has high-top so it doesn't go with shorts and I don't really know how to wear it without looking funny except for covering it with jeans. Can someone enlighten me?( but i like its colour because you can't find any better blue sneakers in Converse shops now) So anyway, I bought this:

Well, this pair of sneakers kinda violate my principles for buying stuff because I really don't like to buy things so popular that you see everyone wearing/using them(eg. Crumpler) But then again I have no choice cos this is the shoes that go with almost everything so it saves me a lot of trouble.(But now i think of it, i wear jeans all the time) Also, it would be better to buy a pair of white(not
shiny silver) sports shoes with a differeny colour logo cos it looks good with shorts. These two types of shoes basically cover all the bottoms I wear. Well, so that goes to my wishlist.
p.s Jeremy, don't say that I am crazy for owning so many pair of shoes XD...(which i know you will)
Sudden visit by great uncle
12:56 PM

Apparently my great uncle isn't interested to catch water from the merlion...
On Thursday, my mum suddenly received a call from Taiwan and my uncle told her that my great uncle(My mother's mother's younger brother) will be coming to Singapore later that night for a business trip. This great uncle, a close relative he might be, was a total stranger to me. The last time I saw him was 7 years ago when my uncle(My mum's younger brother) got married and at the wedding dinner there were so many relatives that I remembered none of their faces.
My great uncle works for an oil company in Taiwan and was coming to inspect the new oil tankers which will be transporting oil from SEA to Taiwan. On Friday he went to work and stayed in the tanker overnight.
On Saturday, he came back early in the afternoon and my mum decided to bring for a tour at downtown. They only took a
'short' walk.
They first went China Town and walked all the way to Clarke Quay, where they visited the Raffles Stamford statue and took photos with merlion.(lol this part reminds of Jeremy trying to drink the water coming from Lionel's mouth) Then they walked to City Hall MRT and took MRT to Orchard. They had dinner at 鼎泰豐, a Taiwan restaurant but strangely has more popularity in Singapore.(But it's really nice) After that they walked all the way from Orchard Road to American Ambassy(Which is like at Holland Road?!) and took bus home. They reached home at about 10pm. Summary of how far the walked: China Town ~> Clarke Quay ~> City Hall ~> MRT to Orchard Road ~> Tour around Orchard Road ~> American AmbassyLOL After listening to my mum's recount, I was so glad I didn't follow them out and decided to complete my math worksheet. And it is also unbelievable that my great uncle, at his fifties, has the stamina to walk such distance after working in a ship for one whole day...
Today is Sunday and he's just left for his inspection on the second tanker, he'll be taking the plane back to Taiwan on monday.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
4:12 PM
Monday, September 7, 2009
5:54 PM
Today I basically wasted one whole day. I have been TRYING really hard to study, but didn't revise anything in the end. I am just in the wrong mood to study. It's seriously weird, I know i need to relax and slack a bit to have the mood to study, but i can't slack cos EOYs are coming.
Haiz, feeling kinda down now, should try to study in library tmr...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
New Mouthpeice! Schmid 11
2:37 PM
LOL now I realise I have this habit of posting all events late. Didn't wanna post about buying mouthpiece at first but since Chinese full paper is so boring I should find something more 'constructive' to do right?(such as updating my blog)
On Friday(and today is sunday btw), after one whole morning of e learning I went to Windworks to buy mouthpiece. Quite a nice place cos it allows us to try a variety of mouthpieces before we choose the one that suits us best.
Trying mouthpieces was really fun and that Mr Yap was kinda weird(according to Mr Leng, all horn players are weird) so I found him really funny. In the end I chose my Schmid 11 and I can finally kiss my denis wick 5N goodbye!(evil laugh~) On Saturday I tried buzzing my new mouthpiece with a tuner and pitching high F. It feels harder but the sound is deeper and warmer(I can even feel the difference just by buzzing my schmid 11 and denis wick 5N) It's not really hard to pitch it on my new mouthpiece but I believe there will be more resistance when i try it on my horn.
Now enjoy the photos:

My new mouthpiece, no longer golden, but sounds better
Mouthpieces bought by the four of us

Lionel 'smoking' his mouthpiece and looking gay
p.s I just realise the horn I am using, a Jupiter horn, is actually a Taiwan brand.(which is made in Taiwan) When I was trying the mouthpieces, I saw a random Jupiter instrument logo, with lots of national flags below and the first one is actually the flag of Taiwan. It's really uncommon(the common flags that appear are usually USA, England, Germany or Japan) so I did some research at home and found out this shocking news... Why shocking? Because if you find a singapore brand that manufactures good quality and world famous musical instruments, you'll be shocked too.
Jupiter horns are actually quite despised by my section(*ahem*) and even by myself before the horn tutor said it sounded better than the Holton horns. Now I am proud of it, Jupiter horns are nice!(but still, I would prefer a alexander of course XD)
lol what a long post script...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Teacher's Day Post(one day late)
11:12 AM

Although the title of this post is 'Teacher's Day Post', I am going to post about this CD I've recently bought from England. This CD costs me 9.77 Pounds(= approx. S$23), which I think it's definitely worth it. The tone is really nice and the skill is simply awesome. The first song is already an 'ear' opener. In the Titanic Fantasy, the solo ends with a high D. Its tone so soft and gentle, yet the sound is strong and firm. It really makes ppl's hair stand.

Here's the tracklist:

(click to enlarge)
Now back to teacher's day. It's the same old things all over again, the cheesy performance, as entertaining as usual but not very inspiring.(
One example would be the JC boy dancing 'Nobody' by Wonder Girls) I guess HCI was the earliest school in Singapore to be dismissed. By 10.30 I was home, waiting for others to be dismissed so we can visit Clementi Primary. Finally, at 12, Zi Xuan called me and we met up. We went to Clementi Primary, disappointed to find out that the gate only opened for us at 1.30. We went for lunch first and when we reached just in time to enter the school.
As expected, we didn't have much time to chat with Ms Chan as she had 3 batches of pupils. However, we had a really engaging chat with Ms Tang and before we knew it, most of the classmates who were not from her chinese class had gone home. After that we went to play basketball(we=me, Xin Rong, Jerald who's from basketball CCA, Zi Xuan, Hao Gang and
Cao Qi), it's really fun but I somehow felt DAMN tired when I went home. In the end I only managed to mug a bit of bio before I was forced to stop, falling asleep 5 minutes after that(
That's why this post was posted one day late)
Now I am still quite tired(I really dunno why), but I have to revise all the bio stuff so can't slack at all in the afternoon >.<
p.s Jerald owned in basketball man, Zi Xuan's also quite good cos he's agile. As for me,
teaming with Cao Qi for half an hour(VS 3 ppl somemore) before Jerald joined us would be worse than drills for one whole afternoon...